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My Story

Thursday, September 28, 2006

juz feel like blogging today...things happenin dis few days really not so gud...really duno wat to do sumtmes...really hope sumone can help us...i juz duno y...despite me trying vry hard to get things rite...i will still quarral w her...serious...i do sucks...isnt it..i nv make things rite...and in the way i want...maybe my frenz were rite...wat Asaph said was rite...i oways assume tt ppl will do things the way i wan them to it in work of frenship...i oways behave dis way...and

U noe...i really sucks u noe...compared myself in the past n since like leslie in the past is better...playing w girls and all sort of things...the main thing is...i cant maintain a relationship as i will oways quarral...two hands cant clap...if i make her mad...of coz she will be mad...but if i say sry...and she doesnt accept and behav in a sucky way then i will get irritated and angry again and the war restart again and it nv ends...

Y cant she understand...i L*** her...thats y i dun wana go seperate ways w her...tts y i oways try vry hard to make her happy again after evry fight...even if shes the one who coz it...and we fight against in...i'll apologise to her...shes the one who supported me all the way b4 i was in poly in a way tt not much gals will...

nvm...guess u guys wld not noe wat i'm tokin abt,me myself oso duno wat i tokin..

my pain is unbearable nw...

-2:54:00 am-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

being Long since i last blog sia....lolx...haiz...sian....
really nth much to tok abt...everyday the same...lolx...sunday when to harry's hell there...not like them...i went hm ard 12...send serene hm after tt...F**K...i went to taunt my buddy call him and say manu will win...freak...the next moment the stupid duno wat bayi
score....bloody the end kena laugh by him...

nvm...manu will win the next time...ass...

Ytd..nv work...but serene the end the whole in the afternoon i spend myself...kao...nv go la...oni watch movie w jiaqian nia while waitng for serene to knock off...after tt we went back's all...

wahlao...finally i got myself back to play soccer today in the morning....siao getting frm bad to worse...last time cant lim bei dribble past ppl oso cant...oso got abit fucker today la...nabeh...the soonseng oso...go sell soon keuh ass nw still pain...whack my ass...anyway if u happen to pass by..paiseh ah...sian...lolx...maybe play too ltr le...muz play more liao...ltr AhLong B'cum beta then me jiu siao liao...haiz...go slack le..

-2:09:00 pm-

Sunday, September 10, 2006 a change in my no no...i mean a big a mickey mouse skin...coz..i really like disney you noe...especially the soundtrack..lolx..and...serene like mickeymouse too..

Woah...really spend quite a time doing it...hahax...yeah done...going to meet zhili and guys...and watch movie afterward w serene...lolx...bye

-6:02:00 pm-

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hmmm...kind of tired todae...woke up at 740 in the mornin to work..lolx...not gv..but admin job in a french bank...freak man...i really hated foto copy machinces now man...i face it for more den 3 and 1/2 hr w/o stoppin....wat the hell...half of the day working juz to fotocopy papers...lolx...but kind of like it la...anw it's 6.5 per pretty good...not much stress given by the ppl there...mostimportantly i didn't make any mistake...coz my bro got me dis job...

Anw got some tihings to say to my Bros...but i have no intention to offend anyone of u...i say again ah...i'm not offending anyone hor...

haiz...kind of sad...seein u not being happy...hey bro...serious...get on ur feet...maybe it's sad but u hav to get over it...or maybe u juz needa wait....wait for a longer time...seen time will change...maybe it can change back...dun wana see u sad...i still wana shoot planes w u leh...or maybe i'll get u to watch another movie?=)

maybe i juz got pissed off by ur un wanted attitude for wat i have done tt day...but dun's over...and it's ok now..not scare de zui u...change ur attitude on soccer's juz a game for us to enjoy...i trying very hard towards tt too...coz i oso hav gals will like tt....seriously....getting hot doesnt get u better...oni get u's wat my gal frend teach me...

To:Jia Wei
hey...not i wana say u la...can go work anot....see u like tt some times really wana scold u...dun care if ur not happy or wat...u r like enjoying urself all the time...go out and work and earn some money la...dun tell me dun hav job whether u wana work or not...dun oways tink of cant feed u...even if u improve u oni got me go work la...can lighter ur hse burden too

wahlao...knn...go after her after her 'O's lah...fuck man...somehow juz buck up la...things can be change...n seens u really like her go ahead la...ur juz going fore and reaching not reaching like tt...hanging over at the top not moving...

nb...long time nv see u...muz find time to go see u...u take care ah...anw got tution lobang tell me ah..hahax...

thx for Dis few days...

To:My Family
really hope i got more time to spend...especially my mum...hahax...=X

k la...nth much to sae le..juz like tt...
guys...rmb ah...i got no offend ok...

-11:42:00 pm-

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm really vry happy dis two and serene are getting beta even since tt day...hmmm.she totally treat me differently...juz like we were in the aileen...u dun hav to worried for nw...we r fine and i dun tink i'm going to be least for now...hehex...

and for fabian...nvm den...since it's over...but u hav to say sry to jw too coz u throw his glove away...

hope every day wun be like dis...hahax...

-1:05:00 am-

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hmmm...Juz Got up frm bed not long ago...tinking abt it the whole nite...maybe she is juz too tired and sick therefore she was lying on tt guys chest slpin so soundly...maybe it's juz me tinkin too much...i muz trust her..Juz lyk wat Zhili said... think that if she still loves me...and everything will work out fine...ya...probably i should be treating it like nothing had happen continue w everything and juz put it in my heart...coz if she doesnt love me she wouldnt even tried to explained and promise me...meaning i m important to her rite?...juz hope tt dis decision i make will not make me regret...hahax...hope she wldnt tink tt it's a must for me to do dis and not take it for grunted..

Sorry to i tink too much=)

-4:00:00 pm-

I really cant slp...cant cant cant!!!!i damn bloody f**king tired but i just cant slp!!!I'm damn tired...through out the whole day!!!Will anyone just help me!!

i was happy tt ytd while we were working...she treated me very nicely and didnt give me attitude like oways...every was fine and allrite and i woke up in the mornin 9am to wake her up...everything was so rite..i was working too but i finish work at 10pm unlike hers 5pm...she went to meet her frenz and so on...

i gav her my trust and my heart once again...but...i cant belive wat i saw so as my frenz(zhili,Yanting,Jiawei,they waited 4 me to knock off...) when we went to k-pool after my work...she was lying on another guy chest and slpin in the public which she doesnt do it when w me...i'm juz too shock to see tt...wat the hell!!!Nothing to sae and i nearly cry out....i really cant belive it...and i hav to act as if nth was happenin being calm and cool...her frenz further on explained to me tt she was sick...i choose to leave the place...a while ltr she came to look for me...i brought her home after tt went coffee shop to chat w zhili they all...

she msg me when i was still at the coffee shop,she said she got headache and explained to me...And she said she read my previous blog..cant she juz tink for me....she was lying at other man's chest and i saw tt yet i can juz walk away like a gentleman(which she always sae i'm not)...who could hav stand tt...if it was me in the past tt guy wld be dead now...

She promise me tt this nonsense will not happen again..everytime i let her go out w her frenz such things will happen...dis is y i oways dun like abt it...guys...teach me wat to do...i'm really very fact i'm even cryin while typing dis...

Even if u r sick u dun do tt!!!if yanting didnt ask me to go up and find her...i think i wld b hidden in dark...i'm really sad...i duno wat to do...i rather die den see tt...
if u had read my blog y are u doing dis...u r juz breakin my heartar....dis time it really hurt me deeply...i didnt wana tok much is bcoz i juz dun wana quarral w her...but i juz cant stand it...she juz duno wat she is doin...i have being bother by it the whole nite...=,(...

Nvm, I'LL Pick Myself Up......

-3:32:00 am-

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Two days le...Hmmm...Things still not change between us...listenin to her voice on the fone makes me feel tt i m irritating her or she doesnt care abt me...Or m i juz tinkin too much?i have not meet her going out to anywhere..the distance between us is like getting further as each day pass..dis is not like normal days for me..I really juz hope tt we can be back to the way in the 1st few mths...where everything was rite..

in the past..she will cor me every morning wake me up or ask me out...plan all the outings..keep me company...Around whenever i need her...fill me w all her love..but i cant feel tt now...Izzit true...her feelings for me are decreasing...sometimes tinkin of tt is really scary..i juz duno y and how she changed...she is juz really not her in the past...she juz dun realise tt...izzit really me? make her changed tt much?..i wanted to noe the answer so badly tt i'll die for it..

sometimes i really regreted...going to golden village to work...wat the the 1st place i was still tinkin tt after i went there to work there will be lesser conflicts between we...but.....sometimes i was wondering if i had make the wrong choice...going to Pizza Place to work might be a better outcome..higher pay..and i can see her less and maybe we could hav more things to tok abt..

And Sorry guys if i play rough juz now in the morning during the match...I wasnt really having a good a ltr frustrated juz now...haiz..rite now i still looking for job for the long break..if u guys have any pls inform...

It's Being A Long Time Since We Had Our Favourite Creamy Chicken...Haiz...

-2:08:00 pm-

Friday, September 01, 2006

I really duno wat to do sumtimes..guess i really change alot...seriously..sumtimes i really feel i sucks to the core being 'her' boyfrenz..seeing 'her' changed make me feel really guilty..'she' is no longer 'herself' and she dun really realise it...i really duno how to show 'her' how much i do care for 'her'...and...i really want 'her' to tell me evrything and how 'she' feel abt...maybe is bcoz i'm getting boring or worse..sumhow..the prob between us Muz be bcoz of me,oways...wat the hell...i'm really lousy..i cant maintain it anymore..Help!!...i juz wan 'her' to care mor abt dis relationship!! i may be a guy..but deep within me, i still need 'her' to care for me and to cheer or make me happy when there's quarral between us...i noe it maybe hard for 'her' to do tt..but i do need it..after all i'm still a human w feelings...sumtimes i get really mad but i still care...and i cant bear to seperate...all wat i wanted was to be happy w no conflicts w 'her'..meanin not so much...after all..i noe myself...i sucks...really sucks as a man...damn sucks as BF...
Sorry for bEing REally lousy aNd a fu*kEr all the while.....

-1:16:00 pm-











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    Ngeeann Ploy.
    Golden Village.